A District Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
Client: Southwestern Society of Pediatric Dentistry
Category: Dental Association
Date: November 2018
The SouthWestern Society of Pediatric Dentistry is an organization of individuals whose primary concern is the practice, teaching, and/or research specifically related to the specialty of pediatric dentistry. The geographic boundaries of the Society are the states of Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas, and the Country of Mexico. Its purpose is to advance the specialty of pediatric dentistry for the benefit of the health of the public.
We built a brand new WordPress website that features ways for members to view and register for upcoming events, access a variety of resource links and pay for membership dues.
Key Features:
- Multi-Page Responsive Design
- Rotating Homepage Sliders
- Calendar of Events
- Membership Forms
- Resources Link Directory
- Contact Forms
- Customized Photography & Graphics